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Chemical engineering congress to focus on meeting the challenges of the 21st century

19 April 2005

Professor David Bogle (Chemical Engineering), Technical Programme Director of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, has announced its programme for 10-14 July 2005.

Professor David Bogle Professor Bogle said that some people contend that the century-old discipline of chemical engineering is now in its twilight years: "I would hotly contest this proposition. The core chemical engineering skill set is as relevant today as it has ever been. But what has changed is the way in which those skills are deployed and the sectors in which they are applied."

He said that chemical engineering remains a key driver to social, environmental and economic progress: "Our technical programme recognises this and seeks to provide a platform to communicate innovation and achievement; not just within our community but beyond it, too."

The programme focuses on five key themes that encapsulate the very essence of modern chemical engineering: 'managing complexity', 'engineering for life', 'science into engineering', 'molecules into money' and 'advancing the fundamentals'.

To reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, plenary and keynote speakers will include chemists, bioscientists, mathematicians, accountants and economists.

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº scientists presenting include: Professor Alan Jones, Dr Paola Lettieri, Dr George Manos, Dr Lazaros Papageorgiou, Professor Stef Simons and Dr Eva Sorensen (Chemical Engineering); Dr Suzanne Farid, Professor Mike Hoare, Professor Nigel Titchener Hooker and Dr Yuhong Zhao (Biochemical Engineering); and Professor Nina Thornhill (Electronic & Electrical Engineering.Ìý Dr Lettieri is co-organising a workshop during the congress for the UK Young Academics in Chemical Engineering Network, discussing strategic research directions for chemical engineering.

To find out more about Professor Bogle use the link below.
