

果冻影院 News


果冻影院 announces plans to be open and ready to teach for September 2020

1 June 2020

果冻影院 is today announcing plans for the university to be open and ready to teach online and in person at the start of the new academic year in September 2020.

果冻影院 Wilkins Building

With the safety of our community paramount, 果冻影院鈥檚 campus will be open to welcome students to London from the start of term on 28 September with enhanced safety measures - based on the latest UK guidance as well as the expertise of 果冻影院鈥檚 world-leading researchers.

Due to anticipated restrictions on social distancing and international travel, 果冻影院 will be introducing a 鈥榗onnected鈥 approach to teaching and learning for Term 1 which has been designed with 果冻影院鈥檚 Institute of Education - ranked No.1 in the world for education.

  • Teaching that is normally delivered in person in lecture theatres or larger groups will be delivered online.
  • 果冻影院鈥檚 campus will be open for in person activity, where possible, for delivery of small group teaching including studio-based learning, laboratory sessions, tutorials, colloquia, careers or networking events that can be safely accommodated with social distancing.
  • Enhanced safety measures will be introduced such as deep cleaning, one way systems and sanitiser stations. Members of our community will also be asked to take voluntary temperature checks and wear face coverings to make 果冻影院 as safe as possible.
  • Opportunities for students outside academic programmes will continue both online and in person - including 果冻影院鈥檚 volunteering and entrepreneurship programmes, careers support and clubs and societies run by the Students鈥 Union 果冻影院.
  • Enrolment, induction and welcome week will be delivered online in the Autumn.
  • Ensuite accommodation will be available with 24-hour onsite staff, increased cleaning and guidance on social distancing.
  • Students will be expected to travel to London wherever possible. Some students may be unable to travel internationally and will be able to access online provision in Term 1.

Professor Michael Arthur, 果冻影院鈥檚 President & Provost, said: 鈥果冻影院 will be open and ready to deliver a world-leading education experience at the start of the new academic year, but in a very different world.

鈥淎lthough Covid-19 cases are reducing in the UK and lockdown is easing, uncertainty still remains about the progression of the pandemic. Ongoing restrictions on social distancing and international travel mean that we will not be able to return to the normal operation of our campus in Term 1.

鈥淎s the safety of our community is paramount, we will be delivering a connected approach to education at the start of the academic year, which has been designed with 果冻影院鈥檚 world-leading Institute of Education.

鈥淭his means that teaching and learning will be online and in person, wherever safely possible, to ensure that all our students continue to receive an excellent 果冻影院 education that is valued by employers around the world, as well as a great university experience.

鈥淐hallenging, adapting and doing things differently have always been the 果冻影院 way so this will the heart of what we do in the 2020-21 academic year. As social distancing measures are relaxed, 果冻影院 will move in a phased fashion to deliver as much face to face teaching and learning as soon as we can.鈥

Ashley Slanina-Davies, Students鈥 Union 果冻影院, added: 鈥湽秤霸衡檚 announcement on teaching for next year gives clarity to new and returning students, many of whom have felt anxious about what their education will look like from September 2020. The approach aims to deliver an experience which brings our community together, irrespective of study location.

鈥淭he safety and welfare of students is priority in making these decisions, and we鈥檙e confident that 果冻影院鈥檚 approach will be aided by the expertise of its academic community, as well as guidance from the UK Government.

鈥淲e鈥檙e working every day to make sure 果冻影院 delivers what鈥檚 best for students. Our priority is to ensure that all students, regardless of where they鈥檙e studying or how they鈥檙e studying, receive a high-quality and equitable experience. We鈥檒l continue to represent students on every decision 果冻影院 makes about next year.
