

Department of Political Science


Public Policy, Management and Regulation

The School of Public Policy, Department of Political Science, is home to a vibrant community of public policy and management scholars. The Department’s public policy and management cluster brings together more than twenty permanent faculty, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students interested in substantive policy and management issues and in the analysis of policy processes. 

Research Summary

It features particular expertise in European public policy, social policy, public management, public finance and regulation. In these areas, it explores a diverse set of central policy issues, ranging from business lobbying to progressive taxation, school choice, judicial politics, corruption and civil service management, to name just a few. Its research in these areas has appeared in the world’s foremost journals, and informs public debates and high-level policy and management decisions across the globe. 

The cluster meets regularly to discuss innovations in policy analysis, methods, research opportunities and engagement in the profession. It supports the London Public Policy Research Network for early career policy analysts across London-based think tanks and academic institutions, and co-organizes, with colleagues at the London School of Economics and King’s College, the London Public Policy Seminar series. The cluster also collaborates heavily with the Global Governance Institute, the European Institute, alongside other universities and often work together on events.

Cluster members frequently engage with policymakers at the international (OECD, World Bank, European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations) and national (governments in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia) level, and share lessons about government engagement among each other.